Prophetic Demonstrative Intercession
Amazing as it may seem, God still uses prophetic demonstrative
intercessors today. Like some of the prophets of old, there are
prophetic intercessors today who live parallel lives of the person
or persons they are interceding for. They may also take on, or bare
the need of the situation being interceded for. There are many
examples of this in scripture including Hosea, Jeremiah, Isaiah,
and of course our ultimate intercessor Jesus Christ who became sin
for us, paying its penalty by dying on a cruel cross.
A familiar intercessor of more recents times is Rees Howells. He was born in Wales in 1879 and was influenced by the Welsh revival. He and his student intercessors played a major role interceding for Britain during the second world war. He was aware, as most intercessors are, that unless you are dead to self, you may not persevere to the completion of your assignment because of the intense warfare involved.
Identificational repentance is imperative to the success of these assignments. Without repentance the power of the cross is impotent.
Demonstrative intercession can also be likened unto a woman who has conceived, carried the child for nine months, and then given birth. The Apostle Paul says in Galatians 4:19, "My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you."
Intercessors may also carry various strategic assignments in their spiritual wombs, all for the glory of God & the furtherance of His kingdom here on earth.