Portal of Angels
One morning during prayer I heard the Lord say,
"I want to establish a spiritual canopy over the Peace River
 District like David's Tabernacle, to create an
atmosphere for unity and worship." Amos 9:11&12 
A study of the Tabernacle of David will show that there were actually two tabernacles. One dealt with the kingly anointing, and the other dealt with the priestly anointing. The offices of the king and priest were separate in the Old Testament yet brought together in the New Testament. The kingly anointing refers to governmental rule, dominion and authority, whereas the priestly anointing refers to reconciliation, intercession and worship. David was not only a king, he was also a worshipper, as we believers are today. 1Cor.6:19, Rev.1:6.
This assignment involved visiting four towns in the Peace River District, receiving a branch from the ministry in that area to symbolize their work, and using them to make a small model. Ezekiel did a similar thing to symbolize the siege of Jerusalem around 595 B.C. when God asked him to make a clay tablet, and draw a picture of Jerusalem on it. Ezekiel 4.
More confirmation came from a word William C. Yount sent to the Elijah List earlier that year, of a vision he'd had. It said in part,
 "A new spiritual roof or covering like a Canopy was coming on churches as angels descended upon rooftops. What amazed me was that even as pastors and churches were only beginning to slightly come together - even the slightest connections were forming this Canopy of Glory and beginning to activate this power over the cities." 
I had gathered the first two branches and was returning home, after obtaining the last two, when I passed by a town called Valleyview. It is strategically located in the Peace River District, and has a sign at its entrance saying, 'Welcome to Valleyview' - "Portal to the Peace". My spirit leapt as I realized this was the place He wanted to create an open heaven; a spiritual portal for His canopy.
The following Sunday, July 7, 2002, I returned to Valleyview to pray. I stopped by the sign which says, "Portal to the Peace", prayed for direction and drove into the town. I came to a field with a hill on the far side of town with communication towers scattered throughout. I drove part way into the field, then with my bible, oil, staff, and penny whistle, I climbed the small hill. It was a very hot day, and the air was filled with the scent of sweet clover. I prayed, read scripture, prophesied, and lifted the staff to 'pierce open' the heavens. When I did this, I felt an immediate release. I waited. I'd not had an assignment like this before. I felt very humbled and unsure of the  next step.
I began to worship, singing in the Spirit. Then I played the penny whistle and danced. Be it ever so humble, I know the Lord was pleased. It's all about obedience. I was there praying and worshiping for about an hour, then descended the hill and drove back to the portal sign. I had a bottle of olive oil and poured a large amount on the back of the sign to anoint it. I also used the staff to anoint the front of it. I prayed and cheered, got back into the van and headed  back to Grande Prairie.
"Papa is that okay?" I asked. "Is there anything else you would like prayed for, or done?"
 As I passed the last exit to turn back into town, I entreated Him for confirmation. Then He spoke to my spirit and said, "How would I not honor what you have done for me today?"
I wept with relief and gratitude.
When I arrived back at Grande Prairie, a friend called to invite me to hear a special speaker at church. At one point, the speaker prayed over me for the river of fire to be released. The meeting continued on, but my heart was back at the hill in Valleyview. As I was pondering the events of the afternoon, Jesus showed me a most beautiful thing. At the spot where I had prayed, there was now a portal and angels were gently descending! They were translucent looking, and had instruments with strings on them. We hear about harps in heaven, but these weren't harps. I've never seen these before. As they came down, they looked about in wonderment. I sensed these angels had not been in the earth realm before. I thought, now if I only knew a pastor there, I could ask about his worship services. Later that evening I was introduced to someone who did know a pastor there.
The next week-end I worked on the model of the canopy. I mounted the branches firmly onto the four corners of a 9"x11" map of the Peace River District. My pastor at that time gave me a beautiful white tablecloth, to use for the canopy covering, which I hardened with sugar water. When I removed it from a mold and placed it atop the branches, it fit beautifully! Then something happened which I wasn't expecting! His Presence filled the room!
I fell to my knees as He spoke into my heart, "Enduring the ugliness of the crosses to see the beauty of the Lord." A very humbling experience.
A couple of weeks later, I was at a tent meeting where the Valleyview pastor was the guest speaker. The people in northern Canada love testimony time. One man could hardly wait to share an experience he'd had the previous week-end. He had retired for the evening and was laying in bed. All of a sudden he heard worship music coming from his living room. A beautiful tenor voice with background singers. He thought his roommate had left a CD on, but he hadn't. He worshipped along for quite some time before he realized there were angels in his living room! He was hearing them with his natural ears and worshipping along with them! "Thank-you Jesus!" What a beautiful confirmation!
Other churches in the Peace River District also reported an increase of anointing and activity surrounding their worship services. Truly His Angelic Presence is among us.